Sunday, 13 November 2011

Preston Remembrance Day Parade and Service Sunday 13th November 2011

‘They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them’ Colonel G. B. Stam

Today I photographed the Remembrance Day Parade on the flag market at the cenotaph  in Preston. For more info see 

The event was attended by the Major of Preston Councillor Roberta Cartwright and Councillor Neil Cartwright. The Clery Fr. Timothy Lipscomb The Vicar of Preston, Fr. Francis Hull SSJ Representing the Roman Catholic Churches. The Reverend Sue Griffiths Representing the Methodist and Free Churches Deacon Bill Adams.
 The Lancastrian Brigade Band and Corps of Drums. The Parade was made by representatives from 
The Lancastrian Brigade Band and Corps of Drums4th Battalion, 
Lancaster Regiment, Fire, Service Prison Officers, Sea Cadets, Marine Cadets, Army Cadets, A.T.C. St John Ambulance Brigade, British Red Cross Society, Ex-Servicemen’s Organisations.
Wreathes were laid by 
MPs or their representatives
Navy Army RAF
Police Royal British Legion Judges of Lancashire
Prison Governor Commonwealth Forces Lancashire County Council
Council for Ex-Services
Fire Brigade St John Ambulance Brigade British Red Cross Society
W.R.V.S. Council of Ex-Servicemen & Women Royal Naval Association
Royal Marines Association Sub-Mariners Association Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry Old Comrades Association Royal Tank Regiment Association Royal Artillery Association Scots Guards Association King’s Own Border Association King’s/Manchester Association Parachute Regiment Association Royal Army Service Corps Association Royal Logistic Corps Royal Army Medical Corps Association Royal Military Police Association Army Catering Corps Association 55th Divisional Association Royal Air Force Association Russian Convoy Club Polish Combatants Association British Korean Veterans Association Sea Cadet Corps Army Cadet Force Air Training Corps Cottam Parish Council Fellowship of The Services Masonic (Lodge of Endeavour) Faith Forum Racial Equality Council Unison YMCA